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Remote visualization

Remote data visualization service allowing pre- and post-processing using graphic software

Prerequisite: Install the latest version of the TurboVNC client on your workstation [].

Step 1: Start a graphical session

**From a Myria frontend node: request a graphical visualization session by typing the command: startvisu.

Help is available by adding --help to the command line.

This script submits a job in Slurm, in a queue dedicated to visualization sessions. Two servers equipped with 2 K80 GPUs and 256 GB of memory each host the sessions. These GPUs are used by the graphic display, they are not intended to be used for jobs.

Once the job is started, a message is displayed in your command window with the parameters to give to your TurboVNC client on your workstation

03/26/2020 cluster update : add a 3rd server accessible via the command : startvisubis.

Warning, by default sessions reserve "only" 16 GB. To request more memory, use the --mem option. ex: startvisubis --mem 30G

This command accesses a gpu_k80 server reconditioned as a display server. It is equipped with 4 K80 GPUs dedicated to graphics display and 128GB of memory.

Step 2: Connect to the session

**On your workstation: launch the TurboVNC viewer client and enter the server and display settings and the password.

A "desktop" window should appear. The taskbar at the bottom of the window allows you to open a terminal.

Step 3: Closing the session

Closing the TurboVNC Viewer window does not end the session. You can reconnect using the same settings.

To end the session, you must either log out (right-click on the bottom bar, then "Log Out") or kill the associated Slurm job (command scancel with the job number).

As for any job, at the end of the duration of the job "TimeLimit" (by default 4 h), the job is killed: the session and all that it contains are destroyed.

Default session settings

By default, the following resources are associated:

  • Wallclock: 4 h
  • Number of CPU cores : 4
  • Memory: 62.5 GB

If you need more resources, check the startvisu options using the --help argument.

Special case of startvisubis:

  • Wallclock: 4 h
  • Number of CPU cores : 3
  • Memory : 16 Go


Software, such as Paraview, Visit or Blender, can be accessed through the module management. Type the command module avail to see the list.

Note: graphics software using OpenGL libraries must be launched via the vglrun command: for example, to launch Paraview, after having loaded the corresponding module (Example: module load paraview), you must type vglrun paraview.

Amount of memory used

View sessions are Slurm jobs like any other. It is therefore possible to consult the consumption report generated by Slurm.

  • example: sacct -o "MaxVMSize,MaxRSS,AllocGRES,JobID%20,User,Partition" --start 2020-03-23 --end 2020-03-26 --partition visu,visu2

More information about the sacct command in the detailed documentation

Retrieving information from a session

The information of the session is saved in the file ~/.visu/slurm-jobid.out by replacing jobid by the number of the job.

Correspondence of the 2 passwords :

  • passu (control mode)
  • passr (view mode only)

Public IP of the 2 visualization servers:

  • visu1 : =
  • visu2 : =

Note : do not forget to specify the session number with the : after the server IP.

Last update: November 25, 2022 14:05:21